April 26, 2024
Dear OMIC Community,
I write to you today to announce that Craig Campbell is transitioning from his position as Executive Director of the Oregon Manufacturing and Innovation Center R&D (OMIC). This transition will be effective May 1, 2024, with Don Hendrickson serving as the Interim Executive Director of OMIC, until a new executive director is named. Don brings outstanding professional expertise as a former executive of finance and operations at Boeing. Don will also continue to serve in his role as the Chair of the OMIC Board of Governors.
Craig’s impact on OMIC as its founding Executive Director cannot be overstated. He has been a driving force of OMIC’s success. Craig has led OMIC from its modest inception to its current standing as an international leader in metal machining research and development. More recently, OMIC was also chosen to be one of the new Centers of Innovation Excellence in Oregon. He has led the staff and worked with its industry, university, and government partners to accomplish the vision of the many members, collaborators, and our State.
Craig’s positive legacy at OMIC includes standing up the subtractive manufacturing facility, where OMIC gained national and international recognition as a high-quality asset for industry research, innovation, and ingenuity. The new additive manufacturing center, which was completed in 2022/23, offers a full range of product testing, research, and development to promote new frontiers in additive manufacturing.
Craig will continue to support Oregon Tech President and OMIC during this transition period as Special Advisor for Manufacturing Innovation.
Please join me in thanking Craig for his service to OMIC and best wishes in his new role.